"Oldest Karate Association in the World"
Dojo Membership/Private Lessons

Dojo Membership


Dojo members will receive:
A beautiful school certificate suitable for framing
Free new student referrals (for requests in your area) for the membership period. 

Chief Instructor and Dojo owner must first be a member. 
Send for a dojo membership application. 

One Year    $149
Five Years    $249
Lifetime    $349 - (New member special)
Later add $300 for Lifetime
Master Classes Available

Introductory Double Private Lesson             $350 
Future Single Lessons                               $120 each
Double Private Lesson with Photos               $400
We  have a dojo just minutes from the Los  Angeles International Airport.  Many people visit our beach area and Southern California with all the tourist attractions.  You can  train  while on vacation.  
For Continuous Students:  
Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate member's discount is $100 per set of 6 lessons.
Further discounts for two or more participants - more people, larger discount.  
Two people - -  $100 each
Three people - - $80 each
Four people - - $70 each
Rates are the same for Aikijujitsu except you need two people minimum to practice throws, holds, etc. 

For Dojo Seminars or other groups, write for information and rates
Other Private Lessons available in Shorinji Aikijujitsu, Weapons and Meditation

 E-Mail for information


After dozens of requests for  copies of some of the many magazine articles written about me and Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate, I have selected these major magazine articles.  

    1.  The 45th  Black Belt Magazine Anniversary Edition, March 2007.   
It featured Master Skornia's 45th anniversary of teaching. 
The article was "Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate and Aikijujitsu."

    2.  Karate/Kung-fu Illustrated Magazine. 
Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate: The Open-Minded Fighting System that Seeks All Truth." 
Cover story with Sensei Skornia, Nov. 1986,

3.  Inside Karate Magazine, December 1984
 "So...You Want to Open a Martial Arts School?  How to do it from a Master."

4.   Karate/Kung-fu Illustrated, April 1994. 
"Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate & Aikido.  Can they be used  together?"

5.  Fighting Stars Magazine, April 1982. 
"Meadowlark Lemon:  From Prince to Karateka." 
Famous Harlem Globetrotter trains in Shorinji Zendo-ryu Karate with Master Skornia. 
PLUS:  Free colored and autographed picture of Meadowlark and the Harlem Globetrotters.

These articles come with full color covers.  The cost is $40 each, with no handling or shipping charges.  Three copies cost $80 (one free) to the same person.  Your copies will be personalized to you, with your name and any special title or rank you designate,  and dated.  

FOR SALE:  Booklets and Information - $10.00

Please include $2.00 for postage, copying and handling for each item($4.00 for foreign)
Cash, check, money order or bank check to:  Prof. Skornia Non-Profit

Mail to:  American Martial Arts, Inc.
2301 Artesia Blvd. #2
Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278

All income goes to the non-profit corporation to defray costs for office personnel, websites, copying and storage.  
There is no personal gain or profit.  Thank you.  (Note:  Personal or business checks take 30 days to clear).

1.  Hombu Academy Dojo Safe Sparring Rules
2.  Physics of Correct Karate Power and Techniques - Written by doctors of physics who are karate black belts
3.  Book:  As a Man Thinketh - How powerful thoughts as seeds grow to success
4.  Thoughts are Things - a pamphlet on developing strong mental images to make positive real change and
      growth in your life
5.  Concentration and mediation book for adults and teens
6.  Same as above in booklet form simplified for children
8.  The 10 Plagues of Moses in the Bible and why they were not miracles of God.
9.  List of over one hundred recommended books on Zen, Taoism, Yoga philosophy, metaphysics and the real
      meaning behind biblical stories, myths and Christian beliefs.

SPECIAL:   Buy three, same or different items and get a 4th one FREE!!
Include the postage for all four.


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